* Bars can change their color over time and flash before they expire * Special effects like the screen flash and the screen shake effect to draw your attention on critical events - for example DBM will warn you when Thaddius changes your polarity * Efficient code: low memory and CPU usage the GUI uses no memory if you don't open it * Load on demand - boss mods and the GUI are separate AddOns and they will be loaded when they are needed, e.g.

* Modular design - all boss mods are plugins and can be exchanged, removed or updated separately * No dependencies, no embedded libraries, 100% stand-alone * Synchronization system for accurate timers * Some boss mods have very advanced features like the Loatheb healer monitor which allows you to setup a heal rotation and see the cooldowns of all healers * Bars can be enlarged when they are about to expire To create shortcuts to your favorite games! Join us! Our away homes on the interwebs: Deadly Boss Mods Signup Login ModsĪnd creators, since 2001.